





【教资面试】小学英语《Sour and Sweet》试讲稿!

时间:2020-12-22 16:29    来源:未知  

Good morning, distingushed judges. Im No***candidate, applying for primary school English teacher. My topic isSour and Sweet, Now I'm ready. Class begins.
I. Warming-up and lead-in
T: Morning, class. Iet's sing a chant Where is my candy,clapping when singing together.
T: Look at the fruit map. Who can tell me what it is?(pointing at a lemon )Yes, it's a lemon. Do you like it? And why? Sam, just be brave to have a try. Oh, Sam doesn´t like it because it is sour. Wonderful! You did a good job.
T: What other fruits can you see? There are apples, bananas, oranges, pears, peaches etc. I like oranges. Who can tell me the taste of it? Jim, please. Yes, well done! Oranges are sour and sweet. The word "sour" means bitter like the taste of a lemon or of fruit that is not ripe.
T: How about these candies? Do you like them? Lucy, please. Oh, Lucy likes them because they are sweet  and she is happy when eating them.
Ⅲ . Practice
T: Let's play a "hot potato "game.
The whole class gathering in a circle and tossing a tennis ball to each other while I say begin. The player who is holding the"hot potato "when I shout out "hot"is out if he can't say a word we've learned today( the other´s can´t  use the same word unless it is a new round). Play continues until only one player is left.
T: Match the pictures with words in the blackboard (Draw some pictures and write corresponding words, draw happy face and sad face to show students the feeling when we eat them, and tell them happy face means it is sweet, sad face means sour.)
IV. Production
T: Two students together to practice the sentence pattern——“what is it? ——It is ···it is sweet/sour"
V. Summary and homework
T: I will invite a student to be a small teacher to make a summary of what we have learned today.
T: Think of more food which is sweet or sour
Blackboard design:





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